Thursday, October 27, 2016

School Homecomings
  1. Homecoming is an annual tradition welcoming back former students and celebrating a school’s existence throughout the years.
  2. In 1911, Kansas vs Missouri was one of the first claimed homecoming games to have occurred. Over the years it has been a tradition within the United States.
  3. Homecoming is celebrated in schools because it is a celebration of the homecoming football game and spirit rally including a parade.
  4. The homecoming contains spirit rallies, bonfires, and football game celebrations.
  5. It is called the homecoming game to welcome back the veteran football players and celebrate school spirit.
  6. Homecoming etiquette is a specific dress code for homecoming although a lot of schools have semi-formal dances.
  7. homecoming.jpghc.jpg
  8. I think homecoming is a great way for students to express school spirit and celebrate a good year with their classmates or peers.

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