Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Gainesville vs Vanguard
A basketball game occurred one day in Texas. It was the Gainesville Tornadoes vs the Vanguard College Students. The problem is, at Gainesville high is actually a juvenile detention center. The students couldn’t get out of their school. They only had fans once in awhile like parents and family members, but other than that they had nothing. That very day vs the Vanguard basketball team, Gainesville received an unexpected surprise. They were given fans from the Vanguard team. The Gainesville students were excited to finally have fans. They celebrated every time they
scored.Though they were in prison for choosing the wrong, they got to cherish this moment as basketball athletes.

Gainesville Player
“The best recreation is to do good.” -William Penn
This is an amazing statement. It is the right thing to do. If you do good then you feel good. If you do bad you feel bad. That is the expression that comes to me when I see this statement. If you ever want to do a recreational activity, you do a good deed. If you do a good deed, you will feel good. Maybe the deed you did to that person saved their life. Perhaps you will be rewarded for doing good. As long as you do good, you will feel good.

William Penn