Thursday, September 29, 2016

You must choose the right in order to have a heart of gold, and a wallet of faith”
- Erik Chora
This is a great statement by myself. I believe that everyone has the right to succession. If you choose the right, you will have a good life. If someone is choosing the wrong they won’t be happy. This is because you can never be at peace with yourself if you have done wrong. If you do right you will always feel right because you have no guilt. You are rich with beliefs and faith in yourself. Choosing the right causes your heart to be filled with gold, and your wallet to be filled with faith. You may not be a rich person financially, but you know deep down your wallet or purse is filled with faith. You are rich with happiness and best of all, you are a Choose The Right Activist that is at peace with what he/she has done.

Choosing The Right Doesn't Cost You Anything

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