Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Gainesville vs Vanguard
A basketball game occurred one day in Texas. It was the Gainesville Tornadoes vs the Vanguard College Students. The problem is, at Gainesville high is actually a juvenile detention center. The students couldn’t get out of their school. They only had fans once in awhile like parents and family members, but other than that they had nothing. That very day vs the Vanguard basketball team, Gainesville received an unexpected surprise. They were given fans from the Vanguard team. The Gainesville students were excited to finally have fans. They celebrated every time they
scored.Though they were in prison for choosing the wrong, they got to cherish this moment as basketball athletes.

Gainesville Player
“The best recreation is to do good.” -William Penn
This is an amazing statement. It is the right thing to do. If you do good then you feel good. If you do bad you feel bad. That is the expression that comes to me when I see this statement. If you ever want to do a recreational activity, you do a good deed. If you do a good deed, you will feel good. Maybe the deed you did to that person saved their life. Perhaps you will be rewarded for doing good. As long as you do good, you will feel good.

William Penn

Monday, October 31, 2016

“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even when everyone is for it.” - William Penn
This is a fantastic statement by William Penn. This tells us that even if everyone is for something bad, it still is bad. If everyone is against something right, it is still right. For example, if everyone in the school loved to do drugs and all agreed on keeping it in the school, it is bad. That is not the right thing to do and shame on those who think it is good. Now if everyone in the United States voted for Trump it would be wrong. It is a bad thing that everyone thinks is good. If everyone declined the opportunity to be a CTR person it is being against the right. Which no one should ever do. You should always be for the right and not the wrong.

William Penn

Thursday, October 27, 2016

“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often.” - Peter Vidmar
This is a great statement from Peter Vidmar. He is a great role model for students who wish to become Olympic Gold Medalists. This tells us to focus on our future. Let’s say a friend invites you out to a football. He tells you to go with him on the day you have a two hour practice. If you really want to accomplish your dreams, you have to start now. You have to always want what’s best for you. You have to work hard and practice those hours. Then maybe after you should catch up with your friend and have some fun. Always do what’s best for you later then to do what’s only going to keep you happy for a moment.

School Homecomings
  1. Homecoming is an annual tradition welcoming back former students and celebrating a school’s existence throughout the years.
  2. In 1911, Kansas vs Missouri was one of the first claimed homecoming games to have occurred. Over the years it has been a tradition within the United States.
  3. Homecoming is celebrated in schools because it is a celebration of the homecoming football game and spirit rally including a parade.
  4. The homecoming contains spirit rallies, bonfires, and football game celebrations.
  5. It is called the homecoming game to welcome back the veteran football players and celebrate school spirit.
  6. Homecoming etiquette is a specific dress code for homecoming although a lot of schools have semi-formal dances.
  7. homecoming.jpghc.jpg
  8. I think homecoming is a great way for students to express school spirit and celebrate a good year with their classmates or peers.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

“ A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life” - Mike Krzyzewski
(Coach K)
This is an important statement. This shows we should be good people 24/7. Coach K says having a good name is better than winning an Olympic gold medal then it must be true. This man has achieved more than a lot of people in the world. We as students should follow this positive influence. The influence is to be a CTR person. To always have a good name for ourselves. We should always aim to be better people. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. We must be CTR people at all times, even in our sleep.
coach k.jpg

Global Opportunities: Careers in Other Countries:
  1. England - Footballer (Professional, Semi-Pro, and Amateur) - Good career for those who enjoy playing the game but need more practice.
  2. Germany - Professional Footballer - Good for those who are at the professional level and wish to start a dream.
  3. Spain - Football Game Commentator - Those who want to watch the game and make their earnings talking about it, this is for you.
  4. Iran -  Olympic Wrestler - Nothing better than wanting to be an Olympic champion in wrestling.
I would not like to work in another country. I love my country (the United States) and would not rather be elsewhere. All the careers in the other countries are still fantastic for those who wish to work in a different nation.
German Flag

English Footballer Harry Kane